Alejandro “Acromatopsia”
Sánchez Núñez


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Alejandro “Acromatopsia” Sánchez Núñez is a Noiser, musician and sound artist from Turrialba, Costa Rica. He started to experiment with DIY noise generation as a hobby, then in 2011 this turns into an Ambient and Noise project called Begotten, quickly Alejandro split up Ambient and Noise into Begotten (Ambient) and Aokigahara (Noise). As part of his experimentations in sound creation, composition and producing, Alejandro began his collaborations with "Debates Sonoros" in 2013, a team of artists and academics under the University of Costa Rica's flag, this team works with sound art, experimentalism, phylosophy and musicology.

Alejandro Sánchez Núñez

As he started to produce his own albums in 2012, he began the music label "Achromatic Productions", first like a name to produce Begotten and Aokigahara's demos and albums, then like a  label that has produced national and international Noise and ambient artists.

His works and concepts can be divided as his projects, Begotten is an introspective and minimalist interpretation of the world, Aokigahara is more into protesting, using the self-label of "Sonic terrorism" for his works, doing the analogy of Terrorism as an performative act with the purpose of causing terror and as a way to demand society conscience about topics as animal suffering, environmental issues, social problems, corruption, etc.

Alejandro is or have been drummer in some Metal, Rock and Punk bands in Costa Rica (Maldita Lisiada, Cernnunnos, Disthroned, Odio Eterno) and has a soloist Drone Doom Metal project called Goat. Also is part of Colectivo Experimental Sonoro and Oido Irritado Records, both are music labels focused in experimental music and Grindcore/Punk respectively. And of Anhedonia, an electroacoustic collective project.

Works and collaborations of Alejandro have been interpreted, produced and distributed in countries as Hungary, USA, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Russia, Spain, Germany, Sweden, Serbia, Italy, Brazil, Colombia and Ukraine.
