María Verónica LAGUNA

Maria Verónica Laguna is a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW), teacher, writer and psychoanalytic psychotherapist in New York City. She has trained in her native Uruguay and in New York City.  Laguna works as a principal curator, content advisor, and critic for IGM. Additionally, she writes periodically on Latino topics within the New York community. 

Gregoria Talks MUSIC

María Verónica Laguna
Photo courtesy: Laguna's personal photography archives

As an avid music listener, concert goer and independent researcher, Laguna studies the intersection between music and Psychoanalysis, and wants to raise awareness of the importance of the arts as a mental health tool. She has led highly attended workshops on the healing power of tango, and continues to work on the intersection of music, activism and Psychoanalysis. 

Laguna is the co-founder of Bicultural Collective, a mental health collective for bicultural individuals.

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